There is little doubt as we start a new year defined by a popular mandate to be fulfilled on Jan. 20, with the Inauguration of President Donald Trump, that we are living in an extraordinary time — in America and globally.
The political and cultural mandate of the new Trump administration is nothing short of a rediscovery of what has made America the greatest nation in human history.
The vision was cast in the Declaration of Independence in 1776, but it could only begin to be fulfilled after the American Revolution succeeded in the defeat of Great Britain.
So, we are now at a Second American Revolution — only this is clearly more of a spiritual battle to restore our country’s moral foundation.
And like the first, it must be won in order that the people become free to pursue their dreams, create and build their lives.
Let's hope and pray that this second American Revolution remains peaceful.
In this regard, critics of Trump need to recognize that there is no other current leader who has a superior combination of character and personality qualities that can deter enemies and bring about peace.
What Americans have allowed over the one hundred years — but with increasing acceleration from the 1960s on — was the destruction of the moral capital that had previously defined America.
And that moral capital was what enabled America to become the world’s military and economic superpower in just 140 years from its constitutional founding. That moral capital provided for and protected individual rights of freedom and independence such that America achieved material prosperity for more people, more rapidly than any other prior civilization.
Additionally, the American constitutional framework enabled people to move closer to the divine image — in which all people are created free and equal — more than they would have achieved under any prior system.
We are not just at political crossroads.
We are also at a time of a spiritual and moral reckoning.
We can’t go back to Woodrow Wilson or John Dewey who naively espoused global idealism — now manifest in today’s Deep State, United Nations, World Economic Forum, and others.
The same flawed philosophy has also brought about secular progressive degradation of the American educational system that has rendered Third World level public schools.
The Trump administration can and should get about the business of closing the Department of Education. This would mean turning back responsibility for academic curriculum, standards, and funding of public-school education to states and localities.
We can also withdraw financial support and membership from the UN, and certainly its corrupt subsidiaries, such as the World Health Organization, the World Trade Organization, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Economic and Social Council.
The U.S. can and should withdraw from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the Paris Accord, and build a powerful global coalition to boycott and discredit the World Economic Forum, a body which openly seeks to destroy national sovereignty and nation states and bring about depopulation through a radical reduction in global agricultural output.
Trump has made his immediate domestic priorities clear: closing the border and deporting illegal immigrants, "Drill Baby Drill" energy independence, job creation and tax reduction by increased reliance on tariffs, strengthening law enforcement, decreasing crime, and demolishing drug cartels, child trafficking, and gang violence.
What's vital to the success of the Trump 47 administration is the reckoning at home.
This second American revolution, which is a moral and spiritual revolution, is captured in Psalm 59:14 which provides clarity about righteousness and justice being good government's foundation.
In the U.S. , a top imperative now is to reestablish equal justice under the law — essential for restoring the righteous foundation of America. It's righteousness and ensuing courage which make up the core values of our moral capital.
Both are indispensable for our constitutional republic.
Lawfare directed against Donald Trump, dozens of his aides, and MAGA leaders has no place in the judicial system of a constitutional America. Ending this destructive judicial madness will surely be one of the most important early priorities.
For too long, our political leaders have neglected and squandered our moral capital to the point that now our enemies no longer fear us. Our allies don’t respect us.
Moral courage, which is the most important leadership quality, has today become the least abundant trait among American politicians.
It's scarcer now than at any prior time in our history.
One only needs to observe the out-of-control deficit spending that is adding over two trillion dollars annually to America’s national debt — nothing short of utter betrayal of future American generations — to understand that depletion and destruction of moral capital leads directly to the collapse of physical capital of our financial system.
Slaying the many domestic dragons of deep state betrayal requires moral courage.
And Trump’s vigor in the choice of cabinet and team leaders, suggests there will be indictments and judicial prosecutions — a vital part of law enforcement to deter others contemplating traitorous and seditious actions.
In the end it is no accident that Trump is the president going into 2026, when America will celebrate its 250th anniversary.
What a Fourth of July it will be!
Scott S. Powell, a member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China and senior fellow at Discovery Institute, is the author of "Rediscovering America," a new release in the history genre. You may reach him at [email protected]. Read Scott S. Powell's Reports — More Here.
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