Columnist David Harsanyi writes this week that "Corporate media’s coverage of the debt-limit fight is intolerably dishonest."
First, the regime media tries to characterize President Joe Biden as the Oval Office incarnation of Monty Hall, "[Biden] has prioritized deal-making throughout the debt ceiling talks."
The truth is Biden refused to negotiate until the GOP’s unprecedented failure to collapse like a two-dollar accordion forced surprised leftists to the negotiating table.
Presstitutes also characterize Republicans as heartless fiscal terrorists who are taking America hostage during the talks and forcing defense contractors and seniors to consider the Sam Brinton option and steal luggage for resale when Uncle Sam’s checks stop coming.
Harsanyi’s response, "The ceiling, quite self-evidently, was passed to control government debt. That’s why it exists. Those who demand reforms are no more taking hostages than those who demand unfettered spending."
This is all true, but it misses point.
The choice is not between raising the debt ceiling or having the national landscape look like Fallout 4.
It’s not even a choice between raising the debt ceiling or having U.S. security holders foreclose on the Capitol.
None of the failure to raise the debt ceiling hype is true.
Debt ceiling shutdowns were non-events until the regime media discovered the shutdown’s potential to scare little old ladies.
That’s when the shutdown became a crisis.
Over the years there have been a number of shutdowns and the republic was none the worse for wear.
Normal people went about their normal business, while nervous breakdowns were confined to the political class.
For example, when the government ground to a halt in 2013, Barack Obama was in the White House and racial peace reigned throughout the land.
Then the sinister Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, filibustered the debt increase and the feds were without funding for a harrowing 16 days.
During that fortnight plus two, Mexico annexed a defenseless Texas, China captured Taiwan without a shot, the Bundy Gang seized much of the public land in Southern Nevada and rioting middle income taxpayers burned down Obamacare enrollment offices to protest skyrocketing insurance premiums.
You don’t recall that?
That’s because we made it up.
Nothing much happened.
There was so little public response to Uncle Sam bumping his head against the debt ceiling that the Obama administration decided to punish taxpayers for their lack of panic by closing the Mall, national parks and other facilities that didn’t require closing.
It was like the COVID-19 shutdowns and lockdowns without the ventilators.
The left’s goal was twofold — generate hysterical shutdown news coverage and mobilize the dependent class to call a politician.
It’s the same game-plan they employ today.
The truth is, bumping up against the debt limit doesn’t shut off the money spigot.
The feds are collecting tax money every day.
Just before the Great Cruz Control Experiment, The Washington Post published an interactive page where readers could take the $172.4 billion available even after the shutdown and decide who gets paid and who doesn’t.
I took the money and paid all the essentials: Social Security; T–bill debt service; Medicare; Medicaid; federal salaries and benefits; unemployment insurance; food stamps & TANF; military pay; Veteran’s Affairs and even that seat of Deep State Resistance — the Department of Justice (DOJ).
There was no default.
I even had $700 million left over for the odd drone strike or congressional sexual harassment settlement. That’s why you won’t see that mistake in The WoePost again.
The facts undercut all the shutdown predictions of doom.
Stopping the growth of out-of-control spending is the issue now.
Congressional Republicans need to summon their inner DeSantis and hang tough during negotiations. Don’t settle for nebulous leftist promises that evaporate the next day.
Insist on cuts that are quantifiable and enforceable.
Anything less is a defeat.
Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, is a Newsmax TV analyst. A syndicated columnist and author, he chairs The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Michael is an in-demand speaker with Premiere speaker's bureau. Read Michael Reagan's Reports — More Here.
Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian's Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)" Read Michael Shannon's Reports — More Here.