These midterm elections are more than just Republicans seeking to unseat Democrats' congressional majorities — Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is on the chopping block too, campaign adviser Dick Morris told Newsmax.
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"There are two contests going on: One is between Democrats and the Republicans for control and the other is between Trump and McConnell for the majority of the leadership," Morris told Monday's "American Agenda."
Trump not only wants the Senate to flip to Republicans, but he wants it to flip McConnell out of the leadership position, too, according to Morris.
"The idea is that there would be a fight against McConnell, and Trump has got all these Trump-endorsed candidates who defeated all of the McConnell-endorsed candidates and Trump may well have a majority in the caucus right now if all of his guys win," Morris told co-hosts Bob Sellers and Katrina Szish. "Most of them are going to win.
"And McConnell, I think, would much rather be a consensus minority leader then out on his butt with the majority led by somebody else."
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Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., is going to be out of Congress after the midterms, so the leading anti-Trump voice ultimately will be out of time, along with the House Jan. 6 committee.
"The anti-Trump people want a voice, a pulpit, to continue to spew their outrageous, ridiculous lie that Trump led a sedition against the American government and should be barred from running for president under the 14th Amendment," Morris continued, noting Cheney will have to run for president to continue her crusade against Trump. "And once the committee goes out of existence, they don't have that pulpit.
"And I think that's why Liz Cheney is going to run as an independent, so that she can continue with that propaganda offensive and provide air cover to the troops on the ground that is trying to get Trump indicted and thrown out of the race."
Cheney running as an independent would only take votes from the Democrat, and not Trump's base, according to Morris.
"By the way, I think if Liz Cheney does run as an independent, it'll help Donald Trump, because it will split the anti-Trump vote," Morris said. "People who hate Trump could vote Democrat or for Cheney — as opposed to all going for the Democrats.
"So, she'll have the perverse effect of helping the guy she hates the most."
Trump's official 2024 campaign declaration is going to come "shortly after the midterms," Morris noted.
"And he'll ride the crest of the enormous victory we're going to have in the midterms," Morris continued. "Don't buy the propaganda that the Democrats are catching up, that the Republicans are in trouble.
"This is propaganda put out there by a combination of McConnell – who doesn't want to see Trump's guys get elected, even at the price of those seats becoming Democrat — and of the Democrats who want to dry up the fundraising for very good candidates."
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Eric Mack ✉
Eric Mack has been a writer and editor at Newsmax since 2016. He is a 1998 Syracuse University journalism graduate and a New York Press Association award-winning writer.
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