Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and other Republicans like him worry about losing seats in November’s elections due to Donald Trump. Talk about passing the buck!
Mealy-mouthed, unprincipled people like Paul Ryan are the whole reason Republican voters chose Donald Trump.
Obama and his little band of Islamo-Marxist thieves preside over the most statist, collectivist, socialist, hard-core left-wing administration in American history.
Paul Ryan, a professional politician whose seat is threatened by a Republican challenger, claims to believe that description when the cameras are on and he’s giving a speech. But when it comes time to oppose Obama on virtually any of his outlandish spending, these same politicians are nowhere to be found.
And if you dare challenge them at all, as Trump repeatedly has, you’re greeted with harsher attacks than any to be leveled against Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.
An oppositional party is supposed to be . . . well, oppositional. What evidence is there that the Republicans, under Paul Ryan and his entrenched colleagues, have done anything other than accommodate virtually all of Obama’s spending sprees and government overreach?
When Ronald Reagan was president, he used to complain that the government could not spend a dime without Congress. Constitutionally, that’s literally true. Reagan was a fiscal conservative frustrated by a big spending Democratic House of Representatives, the exact opposite of today’s scenario. Yet Reagan won some of those battles, because he stood up to the Democrats. Nowadays, a different scenario plays out over and over again: If Congress threatens to cut so much as a penny of Obama’s spending, he and his Democratic cronies threaten to shut down the government and blame it on the Republicans.
That’s basically the Republicans’ excuse. “We can’t stop Obama’s spending, because if we do, he’ll shut down the government and blame us.” So what? Imagine if Churchill had said, “We can’t stop Hitler. It will make him really mad, and he’ll bomb London.”
And you wonder why I call Republicans milquetoasts and weaklings.
I don’t know if Donald Trump will cut spending if he wins the election. I sure hope he does. He has promised to eliminate the Department of Education and cut the EPA.
Those are excellent starts.
Will Republicans in Congress go along with those cuts? That will be interesting to watch.
If Hillary Clinton wins, spending will continue to go up, and up, and up. So will government overreach and Obamaesque grabs for unconstitutional power. Will Republicans try to stop her? They sure didn’t under Obama. So why should we consider it such a loss if the Republicans lose Congress? What difference do they really make?
Whether it’s incompetence or unwillingness, Republicans like Paul Ryan have no business whining about Donald Trump. They brought this all on themselves and on the rest of us who used to think Republicans meant at least a little of what they said. Sadly, most of them are no different from Democrats. They come to Washington, D.C., and they get comfortable.
They will only go so far in challenging the status quo. They stop opposing the programs they once challenged, and they go along to get along by funding them even more. Obamacare is only the most recent example.
This dysfunction has been going on for generations, and it’s reaching a climax.
The onus of proof should be on Republicans to explain what they’ve done to protect the rights of the individual. What have they done to advance the principles of smaller, more limited government they’re always crowing about, but never implement once in power?
Donald Trump is a constant reminder to these Republicans that they’ve been asleep on the job and, if anything, worse than worthless as the only remaining guardians of constitutional liberty. Instead of crying about Trump, they should be asking themselves, Where did we go wrong?
Look in the mirror, Paul Ryan. You created this mess. Stop blaming your victims.
Michael J. Hurd, Ph.D., LCSW is a psychotherapist and author with a private practice in coastal Delaware. He is the author of “Bad Therapy, Good Therapy (and How to Tell the Difference).” For more of his reports, Go Here Now.
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