A Daily Show tweet urging viewers to "go knock someone up" to "celebrate" the
Supreme Court's decision Monday that struck down a restrictive Texas abortion law triggered a twitterstorm of criticism – from both pro-life and pro-choice supporters.
The offensive tweet from the satirical
Comedy Central show's official account was immediately bombarded by denunciations — and about an hour after its original message, the show posted a mea culpa to "friends" — saying the show was "just excited" about the decision "reaffirming" the "right to choose."
Viewers were unforgiving, however.
Meghan McCain, daughter of GOP Arizona Sen. John McCain, and a writer and talk radio host, blasted the tweet as "vile."
Another poster fumed the sentiment was "really quite distasteful," adding "no matter what your stance on abortion is."
Other posters tore into host Noah Trevor, including David Frum, a senior editor at The Atlantic:
One viewer bemoaned:
A former Daily Show guest,
journalist Nick Vlahos, also called the post in "exceptionally poor taste," while
pro-choice advocate Jason Jones denounced it as "pretty trashy."
Journalist, Siddhartha Mahata, advised the show to simply say "sorry."
Daily Mail editor
David Martosko flippantly urged the show to "abort your account," and another poster condemned the poor attempt at a joke "about a procedure that has scarred, shamed, terrified, and killed millions."
St. Louis Post Dispatch writer Chuck Raasch pointed out "there's parody and then there's this," while another commentator suggested the show "hire more women writers," and posted a supposed staff list showing just two women working as show writers.
Meanwhile, Care Net, a Christian group that offers support for "life-affirming choices," hit the tweet for its blatant sexism, using hashtags "chauvinism," "sexism" and "patriarchy," and scolding "purposefully impregnating a woman because she has to live with the consequences, not you."
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