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California's Population Exodus Extends to Sacramento

venice beach california at night

Night scene of popular tourist destination, Venice Beach, California. Lit Venice street sign and starburst car lights frame entrance to boardwalk. (Myrna Gutierrez/

Michael Reagan By with Michael R. Shannon Tuesday, 04 October 2022 10:14 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

California used to attract new residents.

Now, it repels them.

A report on has a shocking bit of information: " . . . in just one year from July 2020 to July 2021, the state lost 262,000 residents, nearly all of them to domestic migration, according to the LA Times. That was the first year of population loss in the state’s history."

That population transfer also represents a massive wealth transfer.

Since these refugees weren’t crossing our open southern border, they had money.

Along with all their worldly possessions these escapees from Marxist misrule also took almost $16 billion in household wealth that will no longer be subject to California’s rapacious taxation.

In the one year from July 2020 thru July 2021 the state lost 262,000 residents "nearly all of them to domestic migration, according to the LA Times. That was the first year of population loss in the state’s history. According to, "Six out of 10 of California’s largest cities saw population losses, with San Jose (-1.5%), Oakland (-1.3%) and Anaheim (-1%) seeing declines of 1% or more."

Why wouldn’t they leave?

Here’s but a single example. Residents of Venice Beach in The Golden State  have seen their formerly beautiful residential neighborhood taken over by criminals and drug addicts inhabiting tent cities, growing like fungus in the area.

In a letter signed by hundreds of residents that was sent to county officials and brought to our attention by Fox News, the residents said, "Venice's world famous beach and boardwalk are crippled.

"Local children are refusing to come to the beach because they're frightened by what they've witnessed. Seniors who live on or near the boardwalk are terrified of walking in their own neighborhoods."

It makes sense to leave when officials don’t listen.

And hitting even closer to home, Fox tells us Gov. Gavin Newsom’s mother and father-in-law fled the state that’s suffering under their son-in-law’s misrule. "Kenneth F. Siebel Jr. and Judith A. Siebel, parents of Newsom’s wife Jennifer Siebel and longtime California residents, became Florida residents in 2020 after purchasing a $3.3 million Naples home in March of that year."

The situation in the formerly Golden State must be pretty bad indeed for the Siebel’s to move almost 3,000 miles away from their four grandchildren. (Unless Newsom parents the same way he governs…)

And to put a stamp of finality on their decision — and probably cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas get-togethers for a long time — The Siebels made a contribution to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ re-election campaign.

Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, is a Newsmax TV analyst. A syndicated columnist and author, he chairs The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Michael is an in-demand speaker with Premiere speaker's bureau. Read Michael Reagan's Reports — More Here.

Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian's Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)" Read Michael Shannon's Reports — More Here.

© Mike Reagan

Residents of Venice Beach in The Golden State  have seen their formerly beautiful residential neighborhood taken over by criminals and drug addicts inhabiting tent cities, growing like fungus in the area.
newsom, venice, tent, city
Tuesday, 04 October 2022 10:14 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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