Attacking former President Bill Clinton's record is a fair strategy in the upcoming battles against Hillary Clinton, GOP candidate Carly Fiorina said Monday, but that won't be enough to defeat the former secretary of state for the White House.
"Of course Bill Clinton is fair game, Fiorina told
Fox News' "Fox & Friends" program. "He's a former president, and as I recall Donald Trump threw George W. Bush under the bus way back in September."
But defeating Hillary Clinton will take more, said Fiorina, pointing out that she will beat her "by attacking her track record and her lack of trustworthiness. Of course she's going to play the woman card. The way to deal with the woman card is to attack her track record."
"Maybe Donald Trump has difficulty doing that because his positions on key issues like health care are so close to Hillary Clinton's," Fiorina said.
The campaign should always be about the issues, Fiorina continued.
"Hillary Clinton wants to talk about the historic nature of her candidacy," she said. "She wants to talk about being first woman president, and there are people out there, lots of people, men and women who think it's time for a woman president. My message to them will be: look, how about an honest woman? How about a competent woman? How about a qualified woman?"
Fiorina said she will never seek people's support because of her sex, but "because I'm the most qualified candidate to beat Hillary Clinton and do the job."
Clinton also calls everybody a sexist, Fiorina charged, "and that's not fair game."
"She called Bernie Sanders a sexist because he criticized her," she said. "She's going to play that card. We need to be realistic and of course she's going to talk about the Republican war on women which doesn't exist. In fact, Hillary Clinton's policies are bad for women."
Sandy Fitzgerald ✉
Sandy Fitzgerald has more than three decades in journalism and serves as a general assignment writer for Newsmax covering news, media, and politics.
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