NEW YORK (Reuters) - State Senator Eric
Schneiderman is the Democratic candidate for New York attorney
general. Some facts about him:
* Schneiderman, 55, grew up in New York City and attended
Amherst College and Harvard Law School. He describes himself as
a "lifelong progressive Democrat."
* As an attorney in private practice, he represented
commuters in suits against the Metropolitan Transit Authority,
tenants trying to evict drug dealers from their buildings and
women's health clinics harassed by anti-abortion groups.
* Schneiderman was elected to the state senate in 1998,
representing parts of Manhattan and the Bronx.
* In January, he led a bipartisan committee whose
investigation of fellow Democratic Senator Hiram Monserrate
prompted the chamber to expel Monserrate after he was convicted
of a misdemeanor assault for hurting his girlfriend.
* During the primary, Schneiderman was endorsed by the New
York Times and many of the state's high-profile Democrats.
* He spent two years as a deputy sheriff in rural
(Reporting by Basil Katz; Editing by Bill Trott)
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