Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik told Newsmax on Wednesday the recent FBI raid of two Massachusetts-based restaurants allegedly acquiring illegal immigrants and paying them insufficient wages to work off the acquisition debt, reeks of human trafficking and amounts to "21st century slavery."
"This is something that [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi endorses," said Kerik, while appearing on "John Bachman Now."
When Pelosi said last week that illegal immigrants were needed in America to "to pick the crops" and handle other supposedly menial tasks, Kerik said she unwittingly revealed Democrats' true attitudes about treating migrants as objects — instead of people — and improperly defending the nation's southern border.
"No one knows more than me ... the outcome of hiring an illegal," says Kerik, referencing an incident from his past where an affiliated restaurant encountered legal hurdles for hiring undocumented workers.
"The hypocrisy" of Pelosi, D-Calif. endorsing "the same I thing got in trouble for ... which is a federal crime," Kerik said.
During his Newsmax interview, Kerik was also asked about President Joe Biden and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis putting their personal/political differences aside, and working together to help grieving Floridians affected by Hurricane Ian.
"In a situation like this, the governor needs all the resources he can get," says Kerik. "And the president's job is to get them that help."
As an example, Kerik recalled how then-President George W. Bush quickly acted on behalf of New Yorkers after 9/11 by dispatching every pertinent federal agency to New York City and providing all the requisite medical, logistical, financial, and emotional support to those in need.
"But keep in mind, this is also the governor's show," said Kerik of DeSantis. "In my personal opinion, Ron DeSantis is probably one of the greatest leaders I've seen in many years, in terms of handling a catastrophe like this."
Kerik added that DeSantis is "on top of this. He's out in the field. He's supporting his troops; and he's out there getting every resource he can" from the federal agencies.
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