The ongoing battle between Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and former President Donald Trump is so heated, McConnell is willing to lose Senate midterm battles just to keep himself atop the GOP, according to presidential campaign adviser Dick Morris on Newsmax.
"McConnell wants to be the minority leader of the Senate so badly that he is prepared to stay the minority leader of the Senate" — rather than having the GOP take over the majority only to potentially remove him as leader — Morris told "Saturday Report."
"He would rather be minority leader, than be out of the leadership."
Note: Get Dick Morris' new book "The Return" on Trump's secret plan for 2024. See It Here!
Trump has called for a new Senate GOP leader "immediately" this week, and McConnell's Senate Leadership Fund super PAC has pulled campaign ad buys out of Arizona and Alaska this week.
"What's going on here is a fight between McConnell and Trump, where Trump wants McConnell out, and McConnell wants to stay in, even at the price of not winning the majority," Morris told host Rita Cosby.
Morris pointed to the midterm Senate primary battles won by Trump-endorsed candidates when they went head-to-head against McConnell-picked candidates.
"McConnell put up a whole series of candidates, you know all the Senate primaries, and Trump backed the opponents, and Trump won them all and McConnell lost them all," Morris added.
"And now McConnell is dissing the candidates that beat his candidates in the primary, because he knows that if they come to the Senate, he can't control them. And he only wants senators that he can control.
"So he's literally poor-mouthing their chances, hoping to dry up their money, not giving them any of his money — any of the money that he raises and he's raising it to promote a Republican majority.
"He's so self-centered, and so centered on his desire for leadership, that he's willing to sacrifice the majority in order to bleed the minority."
While the Senate Leadership Fund, tied to McConnell, has pulled Arizona and Alaska campaign ad buys, it said it has done so to focus on Senate GOP candidates in other places, including Ohio and Pennsylvania.
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Eric Mack ✉
Eric Mack has been a writer and editor at Newsmax since 2016. He is a 1998 Syracuse University journalism graduate and a New York Press Association award-winning writer.
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