Peace in the Middle East has been considered unachievable for decades, if not centuries, but the Trump administration's Abraham Accords changed the paradigm, actor Jon Voight told Newsmax on Wednesday.
"Peace has never been there it seems from the beginning," Voight said on "Rob Schmitt Tonight," previewing the special "The Abraham Accords" that will air Sunday at 8 p.m. Eastern time exclusively on Newsmax.
"There's always been trouble and violence and difficulty for the Jewish people. And now with Donald Trump and the Abraham Accords, there's a possibility of peace in that region — real peace for the first time."
Voight's special, in cooperation with JLTV's (Jewish Life Television's) Stephen Paul and Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy, sits down with the former president to dig into the peace deals that President Joe Biden is effectively damaging but will not be able to suppress or make go away, Voight told host Rob Schmitt.
"It won't, obviously, something is changing," Voight said. "It gives us all hope, and it was brought about because of the administration of Donald Trump and many, many people in the region – all of the work of Bibi Netanyahu and his Arab friends and the friendships they've made, and Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of the president – many people working very, very hard for years."
Biden's foreign policy is getting in the way of the progress toward peace, but the administration will fail to unwind it all, according to Voight.
"This normalization diplomatically has meant economically a boon to that area and all of the signatories of the Abraham Accords were the recipient of billions of dollars for their treasuries. So it's going to stay," he said.
Voight also appeared on Monday's "Eric Bolling The Balance," saying that the documentary will show Americans Trump's "grace" and "humility" the mainstream media does not show.
"You'll see a side to him that you've never seen before, or most people haven't seen, a side of patience, of grace, even humility," Voight told host Eric Bolling. "I must say it's a very beautiful side to him that is exposed here, because most of the time he's talking about very rough stuff, and he's being attacked quite a lot. So this is a different kind of time with him.
"It'll be a revelation to many people. There is no coincidence that this happened under Donald Trump."
Voight said that the mainstream media has tried to downplay the Trump-era peace deals to avoid praising him.
"When they signed the accords, the mainstream media, of course, didn't want to do anything to encourage any praise for Trump, so they kept it quiet," Voight said.
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Eric Mack ✉
Eric Mack has been a writer and editor at Newsmax since 2016. He is a 1998 Syracuse University journalism graduate and a New York Press Association award-winning writer.
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