Many of the 79 million adults in the US who have high blood sugar levels are headed for more serious symptoms of diabetes. According to statistics from the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 79 million adults in the United States have blood sugar levels, also called blood glucose levels in the high range of normal, and many are headed for more serious symptoms of diabetes. This is in addition to the almost 20 million adults in the United States that are already diagnosed with Type I or Type II diabetes and already dealing with the associated effects of diabetes symptoms.
These 79 million Americans have blood sugar or blood glucose levels higher than normal, but not elevated enough to indicate a bona fide medical condition such as diabetes. This can cause many high blood sugar symptoms, similar to diabetes symptoms, or no symptoms at all.
And according to Dr. David Brownstein, high blood sugar or blood glucose levels are definitely issues for concern. In fact, Dr. Brownstein, a holistic medical physician, asserts “I strongly believe that high blood sugar and blood glucose levels are the #1 health crisis facing Americans today.” Click here to see why symptoms of diabetes and high blood sugar are such a crucial health concern.
“The U.S. is the most overweight country in the world. And issues related to high blood sugar symptoms, including medical complications, disability, symptoms of diabetes, or premature death, continue to overwhelm our health care industry and even the American economy” Dr. Brownstein warns.
Based on clinical studies, 35% of U.S. adults aged 20 or over suffer from high blood sugar levels or high blood sugar symptoms. By age 65, this number increases to a whopping 50% of Americans, and many escalate into full blown symptoms of diabetes.
And many of these Americans don’t even realize they have a problem, because people with this issue often don’t show any high blood sugar symptoms or symptoms of diabetes.
Because of the frequency and insidious nature of this issue, Dr. Brownstein has collaborated with Newsmax Health on a special free video presentation, Avoiding the Dangers of High Blood Sugar and Knowing the Symptoms of Diabetes, revealing how to manage high blood sugar levels and diabetes symptoms to help the public discover more information about the hazards of high blood sugar levels and symptoms of diabetes.
Research studies have found two major avenues to help prevent elevated blood glucose levels and blood sugar levels from progressing to more serious diabetes symptoms: losing weight and increasing physical activity. Experts recommend reducing weight by 5-10%. Additionally, moderate exercise such as walking briskly for 30 minutes daily is recommended.
For some people, this may be enough to return them to normal blood glucose levels. In the free high blood sugar symptoms health video, Dr. Brownstein discusses these and other natural options to help restore blood glucose levels to their normal levels and avoid the more serious diabetes symptoms.
Editor’s Note: For a limited time, Newsmax Health is making Dr. Brownstein’s special video, Avoiding the Dangers of High Blood Sugar and Knowing the Symptoms of Diabetes, available at no charge. Click link to watch now.
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