Rep. Mayra Flores, R-Texas, on Sunday declared Hispanics “have had enough” of Democrats’ far-left policies, lamenting the party has “abandoned the Hispanic community."
In an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Flores also slammed first lady Jill Biden for a tone-deaf remark about tacos reflecting diversity in Texas.
“Jill Biden and the far left don't see us as Americans,” Flores lamented. “They see us as tacos. And they think that's all that it’s going to take for us to vote for them, and it's not. They're going to have to get to work. We really have had enough of the Democrat Party's far-left policies that are hurting us tremendously here in south Texas and in the entire country.”
According to Flores, Democrats have “abandoned the Hispanic community.”
“The Hispanic community's about God, family and hard work, and right now our biggest concern is the economy,” she said.
“I really do believe that the reason why we were successful in the special election is because with we were focused on God, family values and the economy. And, of course, the border crisis that is hurting us tremendously here in south Texas and throughout the country.”
She also discounted Democrats who describe her position as “far right.”
“I am not far right, do not hold their values. I'm a conservative, and I will always represent the Hispanic community,” she asserted.
“I grew up with those values. They have been instilled in me is since I was born, and I'm not willing to put my values aside for no political party.”
“The Democrat Party wants to forget how we were raised,” she added. “|They want us to forget about our family values. They want us to be obedient to party. I'm an immigrant. They claim to be in support of immigrants, and I only get but hate from the Democrat Party. They want to send me back to Mexico.”
Flores condemned the hypocrisy of people who say they support immigrants but “don't want us near them.”
“They want to keep us poor, they don't want us to rise,” she said. “They want to continue controlling our vote. That's why they want so many people to come to this country, but they want to have them in control. That's not going to happen. Immigrants love God, love family values, and they're up for a big surprise coming this November.”
Flores also praised border agents as “our heroes,” blaming the Biden Administration for the record surge of migrants across border.
“They don't have the resources and the manpower to handle this crisis,” she said of border agents. “It is really a humanitarian crisis, and the Biden administration doesn't care about children being abused and going through rape just to get here to the United States illegally. And then sold into child sex trafficking. The Biden administration is at fault.”
“I have family in Mexico. I cannot visit as often because I'm afraid,” she added. “A lot of people here in south Texas have families throughout Mexico, and they cannot visit their loved ones because of of the criminal organizations… We don't want what we're scared of to come here.”
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Fran Beyer ✉
Fran Beyer is a writer with Newsmax and covers national politics.
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