More than 100 Americans are fighting with the deadly terror group ISIS to help it achieve its goal of forming a caliphate — an all-Islamic state — ramping up the possibility that the violence will be transported to the United States, Republican Rep. Frank Wolf of Virginia told
Newsmax TV on Friday.
"There are over 115 Americans, American citizens with passports, who are part of ISIS, and there are several thousand Europeans from France, from England, from Germany, from Scandinavian countries, who are fighting with ISIS," Wolf said on "America’s Forum." "In fact one of them who went over to fight was from
Florida, came back, went back, said hateful things on the Internet, and was killed in a suicide bombing. So this has potential to come to the homeland."
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As of July, as many as 10,000 foreign fighters have joined ISIS and the militias seeking to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to the
Los Angeles Times, citing a counterterrorism official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss classified assessments.
The slaughter of Christians in Iraq is tantamount to a Holocaust, Wolf said.
BBC reports that tens of thousands of Iraqi Christians and Yazidis — a mostly Kurdish faith — have fled following a warning by ISIS to renounce their faith or be killed.
"We have all said, never again, to never be genocide again," Wolf said. "If you recall, this is the definition: 1948, UN, ethnic cleansing of a particular group. Ethnic, religious. This is genocide. It is also crimes against humanity."
He criticized President Barack Obama for failing to act on the ethnic cleansing taking place.
"President Obama put together the Genocide and Atrocities Board, a preventive board two years ago, and has done nothing," he argued. "So we just can't say, we'll we're not going to look this way, so we can't just say it's not ours. And secondly, these people are potential threats to the homeland. They just took over a village in Lebanon the other day. They're taking over border crossings going into Jordan."
Wolf said he supports humanitarian aid airdrops but argued that it’s not enough. The Obama administration needs to allow the Kurds — "our friends for many years" — to arm themselves, to sell their oil, which the administration has prohibited, and to give foreign aid to foreign relief organizations.
ISIS fighters are waging their battle with sophisticated American weaponry, including armored personnel carriers, Black Hawk helicopters, heavy-caliber weapons, rockets, and missiles, equipment ISIS confiscated when the Iraqi military left.
"The Western world is going to have to confront ISIS, not Iraq," Wolf said. "ISIS is in Syria. ISIS has been connected to al-Qaida. It's been connected to the group in Somalia. ISIS has been connected to groups in all North Africa. Nobody's even looking at Libya. Libya has fallen. Libya is gone."
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