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Huxley Still Has It Right

author aldous huxley


James Hirsen By Monday, 04 January 2021 02:06 PM EST Current | Bio | Archive

The dystopian novel "Brave New World" was written in 1931 by visionary Aldous Huxley.

In his book, the author describes what life is like in a society that is under complete domination of a group of hardened autocrats.

It's a tyrannical tale with a twist, however.

Members of this society are kept in a state of perpetual bliss, despite having every aspect of their lives from birth to death controlled by a power-drunk ruling class.

It's a society in which power is concentrated in the hands of a few, communication of information is meticulously managed, and endless distractions prevent people from thinking, reasoning, or imagining.

A drug is routinely dispensed to the masses (soma), so as to facilitate the exile of perceptible sensations of pain, stress, or anxiety.

Unhappiness is avoided through excessive indulgences in materialism, sexual promiscuity, and altered states of mind.

A synthetic religion substitutes for authentic faith.

Technology is God, and as such is worshiped and adored ("Ford's in his flivver"). Pre-conditioned slaves delight in their own enslavement.

Enduring human connections are reflexively thought of as repulsive.

The optimum relationship status is summed up in seven short words of the state maxim: "Every one belongs to every one else."

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, recently appeared on Prager U's "The Book Club" to discuss Huxley’s "Brave New World."

In an engaging discussion with host Michael Knowles, the senator pointed out that slogans of the government "sound wonderful but they’re all about destroying self, destroying who you are."

The ultra-totalitarian state in Huxley's fictional world is splattered with virtuous sounding slogans. But as Sen. Cruz explained, global governance, the likes of which is seen in "Brave New World," is "designed to produce a subservient collective."

Sen. Cruz also talked about the many parallels in Huxley’s "Brave New World" to the communism of today, explaining that in the modern world, communism "is the ultimate totalitarian communal state."

It just so happens that, in the real world, there is a group called the World Economic Forum (WEF). The group is comprised of a number of ruling class elites, who meet on a regular basis to determine the political, ideological, and societal direction of the world.

Attendees of the WEF include a host of global government advocates, such as chief executives of Big Tech, the U.N. secretary general, the president of the European Central Bank, the secretary general of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, union leaders from select countries, and representatives of left-wing political and environmental organizations.

Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the WEF, recently wrote an article titled "2021 Should be Year of the 'Great Reset.'"

In the article, Schwab proposed that 2021 be designated as the new "Year Zero."

Schwab borrowed the term "Year Zero" from the year immediately after World War II, a time when the world had to be rebuilt following the devastation that had occurred in war-torn regions.

"This time [2021] the focus is on the material world but also on so much more. We must aim for a higher degree of societal sophistication and create a sound basis for the well-being of all people and the planet," Schwab wrote.

He contends that free markets and limited government, which have actually produced decades of prosperity and progress, constitute instead a model that, in his words, has “broken down.”

Consequently, the world, in his opinion, is in dire need of The Great Reset, and 2021 is the perfect year for the launch.

Eerily, the model that the Davos elites are proposing is strikingly similar to the one that Huxley previewed for us all.

One word, albeit unspoken, hangs over all of the cunningly crafted phrases that describe The Great Reset. That word is control.

The final outcome that promoters of The Great Reset envision is one of a highly regulated society, a massively intrusive government, the annihilation of individual liberties, and a centrally planned economy.

At the June 2020 meeting of the group, members expressed the idea that the COVID pandemic could be used as a means of implementing their radical agenda.

While at the meeting, Prince Charles said, "We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis."

In June of 2020, Schwab wrote the following: "The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world."

He also disclosed the expansive nature of the reset, suggesting that "all aspects of our societies and economies must be revamped, from education, to social contracts and working conditions."

Much like the society in "Brave New World" the WEF envisions a populace that is sufficiently content with being manipulated.

A video promoted by the WEF declares that by 2030, "You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy."

Viewers are presented with footage of drone deliveries of goods that put the smiles on consumers’ faces.

Let’s stop and take a brief look at what has happened over the past ten months to so many people here in our own country and around the world:

—Millions have been deprived of individual freedoms at the hands of authoritarian leaders.

—Millions have witnessed the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods.

—Millions have been denied the opportunity to work and have endured severe economic hardship as a result.

—Millions have been living under strict mask mandates and social distance dictates.

—Millions have been forced out of their places of worship.

—Millions have been barred from attending school on campus grounds.

—Millions have had curfews imposed upon them.

—Millions have had neighbors, co-workers, members of the community, and digital devices monitor them and report them to the authorities.

—Millions have had their speech curtailed on social media platforms.

The list of infringement upon our freedoms at the hands of modern day autocrats goes on forever.

I think in order to avoid our own "Brave New World," we need to counter The Great Reset with The Great Return.

The return to freedom.

James Hirsen, J.D., M.A., in media psychology, is a New York Times best-selling author, media analyst, and law professor. Visit Newsmax TV Hollywood. Read James Hirsen's Reports — More Here.

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In order to avoid our own "Brave New World," we need to counter The Great Reset with The Great Return. The return to freedom.
covid, prager, reset, wef
Monday, 04 January 2021 02:06 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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