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US and China: 'One Mountain Does Not Allow Two Tigers to Live Together'

 US and China: 'One Mountain Does Not Allow Two Tigers to Live Together'

Lt. Col. James G. Zumwalt By Thursday, 02 September 2021 10:01 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

As the Free World sleeps, China pursues its ultimate weapon.

In 2003, concerned about his country’s 21st century needs for territorial expansion, Chinese Defense Minister General Chi Hoatian met with his staff in a secret meeting to discuss how to take America on without resorting to nuclear war. That discussion may well shed some light on what is going on today.

According to the Epoch Times, Chi cited three main issues needing resolution for a growing China: 1) overpopulation and deteriorating environment; 2) the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) desire for its people to “go out” and conquer new countries to establish a “second China” via “colonization;” and 3) dealing with the West, led by an America with which China is in “fundamental conflict” and will obviously seek to block China from meeting its first two needs.

We have since witnessed China address the second issue with its “Belt and Road” initiative, allowing Beijing to expand its influence around the world by making investments in approximately 70 countries.

Knowing most of these countries will be unable to pay back the investments, Beijing will have an anchor in each with which to secure further influence. Beijing has also been embarking upon an effort to establish firm footing in the South China Sea region as well.

But it is what Chi said about the third issue that should be sounding alarm bells today. It has failed to do so, evidenced by the fact, less than two decades later, Beijing has played America to help fund its secret effort aimed at destroying us.

Chi recognized few places on the globe exist where China’s vast needs for colonization could be satisfied. Regional countries like Taiwan, Vietnam, India and Japan, with limited living space, would not meet China’s needs.

But Chi did not limit his visionary expansion to neighboring horizons. He cast his eyes much further--to places like the United States, Canada and Australia. He determined only these nations would be of sufficient size to meet China’s mass colonization needs.

What is most disturbing, however, is how Chi suggested this colonization of Free World territories be accomplished.

It is already in play.

Chi explained, “We are not as foolish as to want to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.”

The defense minister was referencing biological weapons--an industry in which, he boasted, China has not been idle and one the CCP considers essential to the ultimate victory against America.

As per the late CCP leader Deng Xiaoping, such weapons were to be given priority over all other systems. Xiaoping made the decision to forego building aircraft carrier groups and, instead, to put defense funding into “developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country.”

This background explains why China revved up its focus after 2003 to develop a most unique biological weapon--one that would release a pandemic upon the world to rid it of its greatest enemy.

While the coronavirus is a step in that direction--although naive liberals do not want to believe it emanated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab in China--it still falls short of the pandemic China ultimately seeks to “bring to market.”

Thus, the only question concerning Wuhan is whether the virus was an accidental leak or a test run. Regardless, however, that should not cause us to lose sight of where China is ultimately heading.

Author and lawyer Gordon Chang understands what exactly China’s ultimate objective is. While many will simply dismiss such a shocking objective as mere science fiction, we find ourselves living in a world where one day’s science fiction becomes the next day’s reality.

Chang reveals what China is seeking to develop is the equivalent of a “civilization-killing” weapon that will end non-Chinese societies, thus leaving it as the world’s only viable society. This is to be done by custom designing pathogens that only target foreigners.

Ridiculous? China has launched a genetic profiling campaign on foreigners, strongly supporting a claim it has an interest in developing an ethnic-specific bioweapon.

If the Wuhan virus were a test run, it obviously failed miserably as hundreds of thousands of Asians fell victim to the pandemic. However, that is but a small price for China to pay to continue its research and development in search of the ultimate pathogen.

Critical to this effort was “gain-of-function” research, which seeks to increase the transmissibility and/or virulence of pathogens. Such research is used by responsible scientists to improve their understanding of disease-causing agents; it can be used by irresponsible scientists to identify a civilization-killing pathogen.

Evidence is mounting that Dr. Anthony Fauci knew the National Institutes of Health granted funds to the Wuhan lab for such research.

Even if he assumed it was for responsible research, it was irresponsible to make that assumption.

During Chi’s 2003 meeting, he may have suffered an all-too-brief pang of guilt.

He expressed mixed feelings about developing a biological sword with which to slay America, saying: “I sometimes think how cruel it is for China and the United States to be enemies. After all, the United States helped China in World War II. Chinese people remember that the United States opposed Japanese imperialism. But none of that matters now. In the long run, the relationship of China and the United States is one of a life-and-death struggle. This tragic situation must be accepted...We must not forget that the history of our civilization has repeatedly taught us that one mountain does not allow two tigers to live together.”

This background tells us why it was so important to China that Biden win the 2020 presidential election.

For years it had massaged a relationship putting millions of dollars into the Biden family’s coffers, monitoring possible criminal activities by Hunter Biden, so as to arguably tame Joe Biden, whom Beijing preferred to be elected.

Sadly, the American tiger, neutered by Biden's leadership, is leaving the Chinese tiger to claim the mountain as its own.

Lt. Col. James G. Zumwalt is a retired Marine infantry officer who served in the Vietnam war, the U.S. invasion of Panama and the first Gulf war. He is the author of three books on the Vietnam war, North Korea, and Iran as well as hundreds of op-eds.

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Sadly, the American tiger, neutered by Biden's leadership, is leaving the Chinese tiger to claim the mountain as its own.
China, Domination, Gordon Chang, USA
Thursday, 02 September 2021 10:01 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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