There are a variety of factors that negatively impact your body’s endocrine system and its production of hormones. They include a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, food allergies, poor sleep and sleep habits, the long-term use of prescription medications, exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), lack of sunlight, and, of course, environmental toxins.
All of the above factors fall into the two overriding categories: toxins and stress.
It is a sad fact of life that the amount of stress tends to increase each year for most people, while all of us face accumulating exposure to toxins in our air, water, soil and food supplies.
The primary internal organ for dealing with toxins is the liver. Your kidneys and lymphatic system play significant detoxification roles, as well. In an ideal environment, these organs would have little difficulty coping with and eliminating toxins.
None of us live in an ideal environment, however. Toxins are everywhere, even in the most seemingly pristine regions around the globe. Newborn babies already have 200 different chemicals in their blood.
Sooner or later, the body’s detoxification organs start to struggle, and eventually they become overwhelmed by the burden of toxicity.
When they do so, they put out a call for help to the endocrine system. In response, the glands start secreting more adrenal hormones and thyroid hormones. But because the exposure to toxins is ongoing eventually even the endocrine glands get tired.
Ultimately, what happens is you get a toxic body with very weak hormone glands. That’s what causes fatigue, a lowered sex drive, and chronic illness.
This same cascade of events occurs with chronic stress, which is rampant these days.
Most people are constantly on the go. The goal in our society appears to be to work as hard as we can to be as successful as we can, regardless of the toll it takes on our bodies. This creates huge amounts of stress, ultimately resulting in poor sleeping and eating habits.
Travel takes its toll as well, especially air travel, which exposes us to unhealthy, recirculated air and ionizing radiation, jet lag, and other stressors. (You should take 1,000 mg of vitamin C every hour while traveling in an airplane to keep your immune system strong).
Further compounding the matter, the standard American diet is lacking in vital nutrients and full of toxic additives. Along with too much coffee and alcohol, too many soft drinks, too much sugar, and not enough healthy water, our bodies we are consuming diets that are wholly detrimental to our health.
Add to that mix the fact that most people are not taking enough vitamins and other supplements, and it’s no wonder that, as a nation, we don’t feel well — and that hormonal imbalances and deficiencies are so widespread.
Now you can see why addressing hormone deficiencies and improving hormone balance is such an important key to restoring optimal health and putting the brakes on accelerating, premature aging.
Doing so not only results in noticeable health gains in the near future, it also lays the foundation for continued health and vitality for many more years to come.
(Adapted from "Outstanding Health: The 6 Essential Keys To Maximize Your Energy and Well Being" by Michael Galitzer M.D. and Larry Trivieri Jr. For more information, visit
Posts by Michael Galitzer, M.D. and Larry Trivieri Jr.
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