In the animated movie "Up," protagonist Carl Fredricksen (voiced by Ed Asner) says, "Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."
That’s a wise sentiment about life — and microgreens.
Whether you live in an area without easy access to fresh veggies, are housebound or grocery-store reluctant, or simply like their sassy look and vivid flavors, microgreens can provide you with super-nutrition right from your kitchen counter.
One University of Maryland study found that sprouts of cilantro, celery, red cabbage, green basil, and arugula contained four to 40 times more nutrients than their mature counterparts.
Specifically, the research looked at ascorbic acid (vitamin C); carotenoids, precursors of vitamin A; phylloquinone (one of the K vitamins); and tocopherols (vitamin E).
If you're growing microradishes, mini salad greens, or broccoli, for example, they're cultivated in a growing medium (potting soil, coconut coir, peat, or peat-vermiculite mixture). Trim them at the base when they're a couple of weeks old and have developed their first set of leaves.
Then you can add them to veggie, chicken, or tuna salads, or use them as uncooked garnishes on fish and chicken dishes, soups, and steamed veggies.
There are loads of instructions for growing microgreens online — from a super-detailed free book at to a simple six-step outline from Gardener's Supply Company, as well as videos on YouTube.
If your interest is sprouting, give it a try.