Whether you’ve vowed to lose the “Quarantine 15” you gained during the pandemic or simply want to get into bathing suit shape for the summer, there are secret ways you can lose weight effortlessly.
While dietitians advise switching to a whole food, plant-based diet to boost health and shed pounds, and fitness experts recommend a moderate but consistent exercise plan, there are simple tricks that can help you along the path.
- Lower your thermostat. According to Eat This, Not That!, a study published in the journal Molecular Metabolism said that “cold ambient temperatures” help your body produce vitamin A, which in turn turns the bad, white fat into metabolism-boosting brown fat. “A sneaky way to burn fat is to keep your home, office, and car a few degrees cooler than usual,” said Robert Herbst, a personal trainer and powerlifter. “It does not have to be so cold you are miserable, but enough that your body will burn extra calories to keep you warm.”
- Drink water. Top nutritionist and fitness expert, Lisa Lynn, P.T. who was Martha Stewart’s personal trainer for 18 years, tells Newsmax that drinking water is one of the easiest ways to boost your metabolism and increase our body’s fat-burning capacity. Research shows that drinking two tall glasses of water daily can boost your metabolism by as much as 30%. Lynn advises drinking an 8-ounce glass before meals to reduce your appetite and then frequently between meals to stay satiated as well as hydrated.
- Fidget more. Multiple studies have shown that fidgeting during the day burns ten times more calories than sitting still, according to Harper's Bazaar. Another study found that fidgeting — tapping your foot, shaking your leg and other signs of restlessness — burns up to 350 calories daily which is enough to help you lose 30 to 40 pounds in one year.
- Eat protein for breakfast. Oliver Bashforth, B.Sc., a personal trainer and massage therapist in the U.K., tells his clients that the easiest way to lose weight is to eat a protein-packed breakfast. Consuming high-protein foods at breakfast helps build muscle mass which in turn burns more fat, he explains, according to Eat This, Not That! “They will also help you feel more full, decreasing your likelihood of snacking later in the day,” says Bashforth.
- Schedule fat-burning boosts during the day. “One sneaky way to burn more fat more easily all day long is to rev up your metabolism in short intervals at various point during the day,” says Alicia Filley, P.T., founder of The Healthy Hiker. “Doing this throughout your day is easy without doing any formal exercise,” she says. Some recommendations include taking the stairs as often as possible while you are running errands or even at home. You can also set your timer and do jumping jacks for three minutes several times daily.
Lynn C. Allison ✉
Lynn C. Allison, a Newsmax health reporter, is an award-winning medical journalist and author of more than 30 self-help books.
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