For nearly a year and a half, former president Barack Obama has been quiet about President Trump and what Trump has been doing to unwind many of the things put in place by the former president. Many Democrats keep talking about the big Blue Wave coming that will sweep them into power after the midterm elections. On the other hand, a significant number of Democrats are deeply concerned about a possible adverse outcome and have been
asking this question for some months, “Where is President Obama?”
The party leadership is compelling Obama to save the party and the midterm elections, in the hope they can at least regain control of the House in order to stop President Trump and his future plans. The Democratic Party really doesn’t have a central leader, and with Obama out of sight, they need a savior.
Enter the concept of the movie, “The Great White Hope.” This movie was released in October 1970, starring James Earl Jones who played the lead of Jack Jefferson. The film was based on the life of Jack Johnson, the first black heavyweight boxing champion. Johnson first won the title in 1908 and then in 1910 fought James Jeffries, a white man, in the “Fight of the Century.” After Jeffries was defeated, many whites were so humiliated at the defeat of a white man by a black man in the squared ring that riots broke out all over the nation. After that loss, whites were looking for a great white hope boxer to take the title away from Johnson.
On cue we have the Democrats, losers in the 2016 elections, and who have been in denial since. They are now looking for someone to come in and successfully take on President Donald Trump and the Republican Party. Former President Obama recently has had two opportunities where he publicly rebuked President Trump and his policies. The first was the funeral service for John McCain and the second was his Paul H. Douglas award for Ethics in Government, given to him by the University of Illinois system.
The hope for redemption, however, hasn’t appeared in the voter’s minds; in fact, recently in the Rasmussen Reports, 62 percent said that former President Obama on the campaign trail would not impact their vote. The reports noted that only 38 percent of voters believed Obama change their minds. After former President Obama went on the attack against President Trump, many voters didn’t think it was a good idea in helping Democrats. Rasmussen, a major polling company, says bashing the president is a losing methodology. Voters were polled and 43 percent responded that Trump bashing was working against the Democrats.
One other challenge for the former president is noting that the Democratic Party stronghold of blacks and labor is moving away from the Democrats in order to support Trump. In the last two years of the Obama presidency, about 25 percent of voters thought the country was headed in the right direction. Voters now say 44 percent of the time America is headed in the right direction.
Can former President Obama save his party? Can he be the “Great Hope” the Democrats have been looking for? Over time, Jack Johnson was no longer the fighter he had been in the past and he was defeated. Perhaps Barack Obama‘s time has passed and no one can save the Democratic Party.
Dan Perkins is an author of both thrillers and children’s books. He appears on over 1,100 radio stations. Mr. Perkins appears regularly on international TV talk shows, he is current events commentator for seven blogs, and a philanthropist with his foundation for American veterans, Songs and Stories for Soldiers, Inc. More information about him, his writings, and other works are available on his website, To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.
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