Europe and North America are a mess.
Forfeited borders, financial destruction, climate change overreaction, lost wars, previously deterrable wars and now the potential for a new world war have the majority of western civilization on the ropes.
Post-World War II, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was established to check future potential aggression from Germany and the rising power of the Soviet Union.
The 12-state body was formed as a defensive alliance to prevent a repeat of two global wars that cost nearly 100 million lives combined.
Perhaps we will remember the killing of the 20th century as the good old days.
The weapons and technology used in those wars were sticks and slingshots compared to today’s state-of-the-art in killing machinery and technology. Getting regional or global security wrong today can potentially wipeout all life on the planet.
Other important institutions were hatched during that time that have become global behemoths today.
From July 1 to 22, 1944, at the sleepy New Hampshire village of Bretton Woods, the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference gave birth to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
This was just the start.
The central bankers would build many more transnational organizations.
Today, we see the grandchildren of the globalist’s dreams in the World Health Organization (WHO), Bank of International Settlements (BIS), Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), and of course the apple of the late Henry Kissinger’s eye, the World Economic Forum (WEF).
As NATO’s military and diplomatic mission grappled with Cold War transition and adapting to new readiness challenges, the rise of the globalists and their neocon appetites for intervention and centralized control was well underway.
Sept. 11, 2001 and the era of unending war provided the accelerant with NATO shifting from regional defense to global offense.
By the time the Biden administration abruptly collapsed the tents of the deadly circus known as Afghanistan, NATO had become almost numb to operations that expended blood and treasure, bereft of strategy and conflict end-state contemplation.
NATO’s leaders never took an interest in monetary policy or the financial wars waged by the central bankers in concert with the U.S. State Department, Treasury and the vast resources of the intelligence community.
Had NATO leaders taken a deeper interest in the globalist, central planners at Davos working with the non-military elements of U.S. power, they might have correctly assessed that these WEF-centered campaigns could drag the alliance into new and more deadly wars.
A quick review of toppled governments, sanctions, coups or more recently, assassination attempts in capitals where the government or head-of-state won’t play ball provide the breadcrumbs that NATO should have spent time analyzing. (Sudan, Serbia, and Slovakia included!)
Why wouldn’t those responsible in the alliance for crafting plans that create deterrence while husbanding precious military resources take an interest in unchecked, sovereignty-destroying migration?
Why wouldn’t they assess the security threats of draconian climate policy fiats to include land confiscation and human rights destruction?
Wouldn’t an Afghanistan War weary NATO have strongly urged the U.S. and E.U. to work harder to deter the Russian invasion of Ukraine, knowing member states needed to rebuild their defense capabilities?
Why indeed.
Look to the leaders of NATO and where they hang their hats.
What do President Joe Biden, U.K. PM Rishi Sunak, E.U. President Ursula Van Der Leyen, NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg, Dutch PM Marc Rutte and many more of the civilian NATO leaders have in common?
They are all members of the WEF.
The globalists apparently found NATO to be quite useful and have taken up residence.
If one cannot see the danger of an elite group of transnational billionaires, bankers, corporatists, politicians and professors controlling the central banks, intelligence communities, nation’s sovereignty and now militaries with zero oversight then they should sign up for a Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) class and seek a job with an NGO that fights climate change with the boisterous and "darling" Greta Thunberg.
These central planners who cry out for democracy, social justice and climate action have influenced or coerced western capitals to policies that have this planet on the edge of World War III; a world where the concept of the term "tomorrow" is tenuous at best. By the way, they don’t really believe any of those things; they are unified by control of We the People . . . globally.
American leadership is the answer.
Today’s NATO leaders are an extension of the centralized power held at the WEF-U.N. level. The only check to this illegitimate power is an America that will reassume her role as the indispensable leader in the west, subordinate to no centralized body.
American leadership in NATO needs to be reestablished with a strong rejection of an interventionist body, returning to the original intent of a competent, defensive alliance that underwrites the security, prosperity, and liberty of Europe and North America.
The WEF tribe at NATO may not like it, but none of them are really paying the bills either.
We the People are.
Brig. Gen. Blaine Holt (retired) is a co-founder of Restore Liberty, a former deputy representative to NATO, a lifetime member on the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Newsmax contributor. The views presented are those of the author and do not represent the views of the U.S. government, U.S. Department of Defense, or its components. Read Gen. Holt's reports — More Here.
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