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Left Media Anxious to Unleash Hostility on Karoline Leavitt

Left Media Anxious to Unleash Hostility on Karoline Leavitt
Biden White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre (Getty Images)

Bill Robinson By Wednesday, 15 January 2025 10:55 AM EST Current | Bio | Archive

“Donald Trump’s legacy is not one just speckled with racism; it is itself racist.”

Karine Jean-Pierre (1974- )

Enemy of the Right, darling of the Left, Karine Jean Pierre is enormously relevant to our times.

Replacing the continuously “circling back” Jen Psaki (who never seemed to complete her circling back, ever), Jean-Pierre was according to most conservative sources, even worse than the malfunctioning Psaki.

Since May 13, 2022, she’s been the spokesperson for what some say is the most incompetent, most corrupt and generally the worst presidential administration since Jimmy Carter. She’s been called the mouthpiece for the Biden Left.

And somehow, she’s remained behind that podium.

Let’s take a look at her background.

Jean-Pierre was born in Martinique, an island in the Lesser Antilles and part of France, on August 14th, 1974. Her parents were Haitians who immigrated from Haiti to Martinique to Queens, New York.

Coming from a mother who was a home health aide and a taxi driver father, life must’ve been hardscrabble for Jean-Pierre.

“Being the oldest of three siblings” Jean-Pierre is quoted as saying, “I had to take care of my siblings while my parents were working six, seven days a week.” Her role as the oldest child might account for her consistent capacity to speak down to journalists and the American people.

After a shaky beginning of her undergraduate studies, she obtained her bachelor’s degree from New York Institute of Technology and jumped a few rungs to receive her MPA from Columbia.

Originally hailed by the Marxist media and Left as the “first Black and openly LGBTQIA+ White House press secretary,” Jean-Pierre quickly turned into a caricature of those identities and only those identities.

Almost immediately, Jean-Pierre became the subject of brutal memes and cartoons.

Jean-Pierre was a loud and proud lesbian until America tired of hearing about who she slept with and then it became a nonsequitur.

In a relationship with Suzanne Malveaux, the grandmother of Leftist TV commentators, from 2012 to 2023, Jean-Pierre has an adopted daughter. According to some sources, they are no longer together.

And her constant drum-beating of hatred toward President Trump, Christians, Republicans-Conservatives and others with immeasurably different opinions than hers never let up.

In close synchronization with that endless droning hate of more than half of America, Jean-Pierre misrepresented the daily activities of Biden and his cast of characters until Americans of all political, racial, ethnic, religious and sexual orientations simply could not trust her anymore.

A short list of the mistruths Jean-Pierre parroted from the podium:

  • Perpetually shouting down the American taxpayer that the crushing inflation (that she spoon-fed us as “transitional” for years) and its inarguable impact on American families was not happening at all and the public was simply wrong.
  • Passing on the lies of Biden’s BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) that the befuddled administration was “making progress and unemployment was coming down” and America was all good. Finally, at the end, Biden’s people revised the real numbers of employment they had crowed about during 2024 upward by more than 800,000 souls.
  • Her wildly emotional claims that the “Russia, Russia, Russia” scam inflicted on Trump and his MAGA supporters was a truth and that it wasn’t planned by the Clinton/Obama/Biden camp.
  • Pierre’s repeated untruthful references to “the border being secure,” and denials that the sex trafficking of children and women; claiming the verified facts were a fantasy of Biden’s enemies. In 2024, the real figures were revealed as more than 500,000 migrant kids missing at the border. They were using numbers to talk about children. These were kids sold into sex slavery a la the Sound of Freedom movie.

Other falsehoods Jean-Pierre told include:

  • The years-long denials from Jean-Pierre that Biden would not pardon his son, leap to mind as a pure outrage.
  • The years-long repetition that Biden was in top shape and was the only candidate who would face Trump in the 2024 election turned out to be a complete fantasy.
  • Tied in with that, of course, were Biden’s cognitive tests and obvious dementia. The covering up for an impaired chief executive endangered the lives of more than 300 million Americans and billions more around the world.

Toward the cratering of the dreadful Biden rule, Americans had had enough of her, Biden, Harris and the destructive identity politics of their ideology. Americans tuned her and her blathering out completely and were better off for doing so.

She said about Trump that she, Jean-Pierre, “was everything Trump hates.”

In the final analysis, we might extend that she was everything everybody hates about dissembling press secretaries.

P.S. The Leftist media is certainly looking forward to unleashing all the hostility they’ve been holding back from Jean-Pierre on new Trump press secretary, Karoline Leavitt. Judeo-Christians, conservatives, real Republicans, and America-loving patriots can’t wait to hear Ms. Leavitt dismantle the ‘gotcha questions’ of the weak media. This should be fun!

“We were wrong every time we stayed silent when the Trump administration tried to tear us apart.”

Karine Jean-Pierre (1974- )

(This is my story. We all have our stories. If you’d like to share yours with me or you would like my prayers, I’d love to hear from you. My email is [email protected] )

Bill Robinson has appeared on Fox News, NewsmaxTV, CNN, PBS, Bloomberg, BBC and had his own segment on SKY News. For seven years was the only Conservative columnist for the insufferably Liberal Huffington Post. He has written columns and articles for The Epoch Times, Newsmax, The Wall Street Journal Europe,, Fortune Small Business, The Financial Times, The Moscow Times, United Airline's Hemispheres Magazine and many others. Read more of his reports here.

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Enemy of the Right, darling of the Left, Karine Jean Pierre is enormously relevant to our times. Replacing the continuously "circling back" Jen Psaki (who never...
karoline leavitt, karine jean pierre
Wednesday, 15 January 2025 10:55 AM
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